Serving in the military? You could borrow up to 50% of your annual salary to boost your house buying budget with the Forces Help To Buy scheme. The interest-free loan can be used for either your house deposit, your solicitor’s or estate agent’s fees or in some cases for renovation.
The Armed Forces Help To Buy scheme was introduced to encourage homeownership amongst serving military personnel. It allows you to borrow an interest-free loan of up to 50% of your annual salary (or a maximum £25,000) to put towards buying a home. Since the scheme was launched, over 25,000 people have taken out a loan.
As long as the full property price is covered by your deposit (including the Forces Help to Buy loan) and the standard mortgage, you can buy whatever property type you wish. A new build, flat or existing home - whatever you have your heart set on!
Get your mortgage underway in 3 simple steps
The interest rates shown are an indication only and are not guaranteed. Current rates may have changed by the time you come to apply.